Applicable Industries
호텔, Garment 숍, 제조 식물, Certificates Repair 숍, 소매, 인쇄 숍, 광고 Company, Shoes/Hats/Bags/Furniture/Car Interiors Producton
쇼룸 확인하십시오
터키, 베트남, 방글라데시, Cambodia
코어 부품
엔진, 모터, Drivers and Motherboard
1 년, For the Whole Machine
Product Name
Clothes Fabric Paper Pattern Cutting Machine Inkjet Cutter Plotter
Cutting Machine Frame and Case
Blue Frame+Silver Case
Machine Material
All Aluminum Countertops
Cutting Materials
White Paper, Kraft, Plastic Board, Fiberboard, etc
Cut Tools
HP45 Ink Box,Tungsten Steel Blade
Cutting Speed
1200mm/s Max
Cutting Machine Size
Working File Formats
PLT, DXF, HPGL, etc(Normal CAD File Formats)